Whale-O-Ween Rail Jam

So this past Saturday I headed over to whaleback for the Whale-O-Ween rail jam. Somehow I got tricked into judging the event. It could have been the hardest event I have ever judged. I am not that much of a judgemental guy, so this truly was a challenge. Never the less, the event ran smoothly, I seshed the setup in the warm ups, and after the event, then took my boots off and judged for about an hour an a half. The pro division blew my mind how good everybody was. Their division started off with about six different kids doing a 270 onto the features, and the rest doing at least a double siwtchup first hit. Also the Am's and the girls all threw down too. It was great as a bonus there was a free BBQ, and great prizes, so overall great event, as usual at Whaleback.
So Without further to do, I would like to congratulate the winners. Konrad for winning the Am division. And Tyler thistle for 3rd in pro, Dan Jones for 2nd in Pro, and Cole Derick for 1st in the Pro Division.
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