Monday, November 22, 2010

Colorado Ski Shop Rail Jam (Recap)

So Sat Nov. 13 there was the second annual Colorado Ski Shop Rail Jam in Western Mass. The event was so much fun, with over 75 skiers and 30 snowboarders it went down.
The setup had more features in it than any park in a ski resort that was open, but that's not saying to much because only two ski resorts on the east were open. There was an up rail, down rail, flat box, flat rail, a rainbow box and a C box that never got setup.
The comp was setup as having the older skiers session the down rail first, Then the older snowboarders sessioned the downrail, then the younger skiers sessioned the up rail, then the girls and younger snowboarders sessioned the rest of the features. I did fairly well in the comp, and I got a pair of poles as a prize.
The event was great for people who were not into skiing to watch because it was at a public park, and there was tents from different companies, so that the public could get info on the new products. And I believe that the most asked question could have been "where did all the snow come from?", I'm sure all of the reps must have loved to hear that all day.
All and all, it was a great event, and I will be heading back to it next year.

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