Sunday, October 3, 2010

"Come Find Us" by Toy Soldier Productions

"Come Find Us" by TSP, Toy Solider Productions

So my copy of the new Toy Soldier movie, "Come Find Us" arrived on Friday. I was so excited to watch this movie because I used to go to college in Montana. This movie is filmed entirely in Montana which is very interesting because not many people know what the ski scene in Montana is like. This movie had a great mix of skiers and snowboarders in it, skiers like Shay Lee and Parker White killed almost every scene that they were in, and Todd Kirby's double over the Montana sign was amazing. I was excited to see that this movie focused on the jib and jump scene of MT instead of seeing what most people are used to of the wide open powder fields. This movie has interviews that seems to fit in perfectly with the skiing and snowboarding. The music in the flick was some that most people would enjoy, they stayed away from rap but still used uptempo fun music. I liked this movie is what I am trying to say.


  1. nice couple posts. Vimeo and Youtube have an embed feature that allows you to paste some code right into your post when you are writing it that embeds the video right into your blog so readers dont have to browse away to view the video they can watch it right within the post.

    give it a try next time a vid comes along you want to post, if you can't figure it out let me know.

    any more flurries on high country?

    keep posting

    -prof O

  2. I never knew anything about the ski scene in Montana, that's awesome that you were able ride up there. Three things you could maybe use/ try.
    1. A different background/ More colors or ski pictures rather than the black background.
    2. More information about Montana sking, it sounds pretty interesting.
    3. More youtube clips of people free style sking.

    All and all this is a solid blog.

  3. I'm not much of a skier or snowboarder although I always think videos of the sports are pretty sick. Your blog is put together very well and like the use of a video right on your page as well as your logo. Perhaps make the title at the top, Dresserski a little more inviting? It doesn't really seem to go with the sweet logo you have.
    Keep up the good work.

  4. Oh and also perhaps throw in a slideshow of various ski and snowboard events/stunts/movies for people to scroll through. And I dunno maybe change this black background it seems a lil blah.

  5. Wow is that promo video of you? If not do you have any videos of you in action?

    I’m not too familiar with free style skiing. What is it? I’m assuming you complete. Do you travel a lot because of it?

    That’s pretty neat that your fully sponsored must have taken a lot of hard work. How did you a sponsor? Do you get a lot of free stuff and have any obligations to them?

  6. good blog overall, the top picture is really good a couple things
    1. more pictures of you or other people skiing
    2. different background picture
    3. some more videos of this style skiing

  7. Like this blog a lot had many different pictures and a nice set up. Nice videos.

    1. Maybe could add more information word wise.
    2. Make a title
    3. Make it more interesting for people that dont know anything about snowboarding or skiing.

  8. Thanks for all of the feedback, yeah the video in the top right is me, and i do try to compete as much as i can, which means lots of travel. Ill see what i can changeup.
